Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Breakfast MTM

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

I am so sad that it's Halloween week!  I mean, I'm excited - Halloween is pretty much my favorite holiday - but I'm sad because I've got to cram in all of my last Halloween foods now or else hold on to them for a whole YEAR!  :(

On the bright side, though, we've been enjoying Halloween nom-noms.  Today's Muffin Tin Monday theme was Halloween.  I'm all over that!  This was kind of a last-minute thrown together hodge podge of foods since I had forgotten about MTM till last night and had little time to brainstorm, but I like how it turned out and the kids really seemed to enjoy it, too.

"Moldy" scrambled eggs, spider eggs (Kix), homemade pancake syrup (for dipping the pancake below)
Ham and cheese ghost, cob-webbed fruit salad (with coconut cobwebs), pumpkin shaped pumpkin pancake


  1. Very cute! Love the "moldy" eggs! LOL Great tin!

  2. This breakfast looks awesome! I love the ghost!

  3. Moldy eggs?! Ewwww! ;0)

    Happy MTM!

  4. Those eggs are so funny, they nearly grossed me out! haha I love Halloween! Your pumpkin in the background looks so fun and your pancake looks yummy! Great job on this one for it being last minute!

  5. the ghostie is too cute! awesome tin

  6. Moldy eggs! haha. Love the pumpkin pancakes! yummmm. Definitely need to make some of those this week.

  7. Very creative! Let's see I had pumpkin cookies and pumpkin soup, need to find a recipe for pumpkin pancakes, sounds yummy
