Friday, October 1, 2010

Jack-o-Lantern Stuffed Bell Peppers

I am using up too many Halloween recipes too soon.  I can't help it though, I love fall and all the awesomeness it brings with it.  Pumpkins, dressing up, candy, goodies, decorating, and of course all the other fun holidays that trail behind it.

After I got A from school yesterday afternoon, I had to go by the fruit stand for some produce for her lunch today.  They had these huge baskets of multi-colored bell peppers for sale for something like ¥190 (about $2), so I couldn't resist.  I thought of this recipe immediately - I browse wayyyy too much - and snatched them up, big plans in mind.

I had A sit down at the table with me and help me design the faces and scoop the insides out of the bell peppers.  She had a blast, of course.

Waiting for stuffing
She definitely enjoyed choosing her funny faced "pumpkin" out of the bunch to eat, too.  It was a success.  :)

Eat me!

Oh, yeah - they tasted pretty good, too.  ;)


  1. I love the peppers, they came out looking awesome and I am sure they tasted delicious. I plan on making these, I just need to go to the commissary to put the stuff.

  2. so fun! I too am excited for autumn's recent arrival...
