Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rudolph the red-nosed onigiri

Inspired by all of the WAY adorable Reindeer onigiri I've been spotting in the blogosphere, and also a tad big inspired by my snazzy new rice cooker and it's cool timer feature (which allows me to set it and forget it and wake up to a fresh batch of rice!  Mmmm!), I whipped up a brown rice Rudolph lunch for A today.

My Rudolph doesn't hold a candle to some of the amazing works of art I've been seeing, but I think he turned out alright anyway.  I realized today (too late) that I don't have one of those cool bear shaped onigiri molds.  I really should invest in one!  I think the heart turned out alright, though, with some strategically placed nori, bone picks, and a red M&M.  ;)

Rudolph is accompanied by carrot sticks, a mikan, some edamame, a boiled hot dog and a strawberry jelly.  One more bento this week and A will be off school for the holiday!

Bento Lunch