Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Packed A a snail's lunch yesterday.  She informed me several months ago (while making her hands into a snail shape) that "snail" in Japanese is "katatsumuri"!  This is one of her favorite Japanese words for some reason.  She loved this lunch and the box came home empty (except for the curly lettuce which she informed me she didn't want to eat.  Goofy kid.

A's snails are made of Pizza Pinwheels and cheese dogs with the faces cut in before cooking using the blunt end of a cocktail pick for the eyes and a cool curved exacto-knife style tool I got from the Daiso.  They're held together at the base with cocktail picks (not pictured).  The girl snail is wearing a bow pick and the boy (who she informed me must be daddy because he is "the only boy") has a couple of antennae that I jimmied up from a couple of flag picks (just cut the flags off of them and voila!)

Also included in her snail lunch was a mikan, some lightly boiled broccoli florets, edamame picks, a few carrot flowers and an apple jelly.

Bento Lunch


  1. I love how your description of the snails remind me of a fashion show. LoL and the fact that the male snail is daddy! He most certainly is out numbered with you girls. Oh and I think she likes that word because it is ridiculous to say. I am the same way with horse racing, I either pick the gray horse or if that isn't available I pick the funniest/craziest name because I think it is funny when the announcer says "and here comes OneWayTicketToTheGlueFactory moving into 4th" HeHe it is just funny. I guess me and A can relate.

  2. Hahaha, well they ARE pretty stylish for a pair of katatsumuri! It IS ridiculous to say. And she says it with perfect Japanese accent so it's even funnier. Sometimes I think she speaks great Japanese but then again she did tell me yesterday that the way to say "strawberry" in Japanese is "stlawbelly"... D'oh!

  3. Super cute snails! My daughter is all about the Mommy/Daddy or Mommy/Baby combo. She must always have stuff in these groupings. (She's cool with Mommy/Daddy/Baby too, but she never INSISTS on it.)
    I guess I'll have to get over letting all the food touch and start doing crowded bentos! They look SO much better, visually. I'll just have to figure out what to use for filler... I don't have lettuce or cooked rice laying around usually... But I definitely need to get some edamame! She loves them at the Japanese buffet!

  4. Haha, too cute! A insists on mommy/baby when I make her octodogs. I haven't made an under the sea lunch in a while, I guess we're about due for that. I usually don't have (or use) lettuce either, but I happened to have a head of it in the fridge this time so I went with it. I [try to] use a lot of liners - paper as well as silicon to fill in the space, but since I got my rice cooker I have found it really easy to keep my kitchen "in stock" on cooked rice, which is good because it is always a favorite. We LOVE edamame. I just buy the frozen shelled ones and pop some in the microwave while I'm putting her bento together, then I drain it, sprinkle on a little kosher salt and toss them into the box where ever they'll fit at the end. Both my kids LOVE edamame so we have to keep a bag or two in the freezer at all times. :)

  5. Love your pizza pinwheels snails!
    Btw, is mikan the same as Mandarin orange???

  6. Thanks! Yes, it's a mandarin orange/tangerine. :)

  7. Oh my gosh-snails!! Totally cute! I'm not so creative with the animals and stuff, I thinks its time to branch out!

  8. What a great idea!!! Super cute!!!

  9. Oh I love the snails!!! They're adorable!
