Thursday, March 17, 2011

MilSpouse Friday Fill-in #34

What are some  of your ideas for staying connected with family…you know, those people we moved thousands of miles away from? submitted by Live it. Love it (or not). Write About It.
Oh, the usual things.  Being cautious of the time zone differences, frequent phone calls with Magic Jack, Facebook, Skype, and sending home "care packages".

What’s the most romantic gift you have GIVEN? submitted byPainting My Canvas
We did things a little bit backwards.  On our first anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend, I gave M a ring and asked him to marry me.  Uhh...  He was taking TOO LONG!  Anyways I'd say that's probably the most "romantic" gift I've ever given - but I am a good gift-giver!  My gifts are generally more thoughtful than romantic.

Would you encourage your child, if they came to you and wanted to join the military?  submitted by Perfectly Imperfect
To a certain extent, sure.  I'd definitely want my kids to weigh their options before signing on the dotted line, but in general I think it's a great opportunity.  It's not something I'd have ever done myself - I think it takes a special and disciplined type to be able to do it right and I'd not be interested in "half-assing" it, but I know for a lot of people it's a good move - not always necessarily a forever decision but four years isn't the worst thing.  Why not?

What is your least favorite bill to pay and why? submitted by A Little of This, A Little of That
Our car payment!  The lender really ripped us off and took advantage of us, plus since the car is stateside in government storage, it's like we're paying for nothing.  Not to mention it also feels like we've been paying on it FOREVER.  I will be so glad when it's paid off!

What is the proudest moment you’ve had as a military spouse?  submitted by Our Okinawa Life
Tough one.  Aside from the obvious graduations and homecomings, I'd have to say it was probably while we were stationed in Port Hueneme, California.  My husband (with my help) was the coordinator for the annual Toys for Tots campaign.  We worked our butts off that holiday season with him supervising every event, our warehouse, every donation drop-off location, and every distribution; and me running the office and keeping up with every scrap of paperwork.  We were able to get toys to several thousand needy children across three counties that Christmas, and then planned and hosted the most successful appreciation banquet the unit had ever had.  It was an all-around wonderful experience.


  1. That is so awesome about the toys for tots! That is one of my favorite charities, I believe every child should get a gift during the holidays. And I have had family members need to use it for help and I know how appreciative the recipients are.

  2. That definitely is something to be proud of! That is such a great thing you both did.

    I would also hate a car loan for a car in storage.

    Happy Friday!
