Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Po, the Dragon Warrior

Took the kids to see Kung Fu Panda 2 last night and they loved it.  Well, A loved it.  C behaved.  Actually she behaved SO well that at the end of the movie, I suspiciously peeked over at her and found her completely passed out.
(That makes sense.)
She stayed that way in the car all the way home.  Although when I was changing her into pajamas in her room I asked her if she liked the movie and she said she did.  ;)

At any rate we all love Jack Black and his round, black and white alter-ego.  So today when A asked for a bento I figured I should stick with the theme.  This bento stressed me out because the kids kept coming in and out of the kitchen and pestering me and so it didn't turn out perfectly but it got the point across and that was good enough for me.  I made two matching but only got a good up-close photo of A's.  C's was the same, just ever-so-slightly smaller.  A always makes sure to remind me to take a picture of her lunch. She is so funny.

They each got a Po onigiri decorated with nori, olives, and jack cheese.  They got a few Skittles (left-over from the theater), a cheese candy, and a jelly.  On the other side, they had panda-picked edamame, a couple of grape tomatoes, and "a bowl of noodles from Kung Fu Panda's daddy!"  That's what A called it so I guess it worked out - I was concerned it wouldn't get the point across.  Anyways, it's actually a silicon cup of corn with just enough noodles on top to hide them - then covered with a slice of ham cut to make a "bowl" and stuck with a couple of cocktail picks to serve as chopsticks (as a side note, in Japan it's considered bad manners to stick your chopsticks into a bowl like this.  In case you wondered!).  They were squealing with delight at their Dragon Warrior lunches.

Oh, and I'd like to introduce my newest addiction addition:

I'm calling her Aiko.  It means "Little Loved One".  Mwahahaha...  And yes, it was love at first sight.

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