Thursday, March 1, 2012

Souvenir photos

Ok.  I've been searching high and low but have found absolutely no solutions for my newest problem.

A VERY small selection of my problem photos.
Like, just the few I could scrap together from
the kitchen counter.  I love them but I have
absolutely NO idea what to do with them!!
You know how when you're on vacation you lose all common sense and you spend a small fortune on those souvenir photographs?  Yeah, I know about that a little too well.  I've been dropping serious dough on these clever mementos pretty much professionally for quite some time now.

My issue is...  Then what?  You buy the overpriced pictures and you bring them home with you in their cute little where-ever-you-went-themed folders, and then, if you're like me, you stick them in a safe place where you're likely to forget they ever existed.

I hate that.  I don't want to do it any more.  I want to be able to enjoy these pictures, but let's face it:  framing them all doesn't make a lot of sense, and I'd hardly have enough wall space for them anyways.  I can't find an answer on Pinterest or even on Google.  I know I can't possibly be the only person with this problem.  How do you preserve your vacation souvenir photographs?  If anybody has a good idea, I'll pay you a dollar.  Until then, I'm going to have to put some serious thought into this.  Sorting through all of my things, I just can't believe how much money we've put into photos we hardly ever get to look at.  It doesn't seem right.

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